Sex, orgasms and denial tracker

Since Jan 1, I have been using the Nice tracker on iOS to keep track of my sexual activities. I log how I play with myself, how my partner plays with me, when I edge or when my partner allows me to orgasm, when I make my partner cum and how.So far I have made my partner cum 3 times this year (he cums nearly daily, but usually by masturbating) and he has allowed me 3 orgasms (2 in a row on Jan 1, and 1 on Jan 5).I love looking at the statistics and seeing the calendar of the sexual and play activities. I love how it feels to know I’ve only had as many orgasms as I’ve given him this year. I hope that trend continues, and maybe even the gap spread some where I’ve been making him cum more than he allows me as the year goes on.(I’m very orgasmic, and given free reign I cum 2-3 times a day, and during partnered sex up to 30 times in a sex session. So this is a seriously and significantly reduced number.)For my friends who are partnered, do you keep track of this spread? What do your ratios look like? female orgasm denial Get your own Orgasm Control toys: For men: For women: